I always wait so long in between posts and then I feel like I have so much to jam into one update. I will just have to make this one a little shorter than I normally would I guess! My goal will be to update more often so I don't have so much to cram in one post!
This was just a cute photo of Cash and Riley. I was sitting on the couch and looked over at them sitting like this. I happened to have my camera right by me because I was deleting some old pictures so I was lucky. I think its so cute and was so happy that I was able to capture that little moment.
So my sister, Sarah turned 30 on February 16th! And my Aunt Cathy turned a year older on February 20th! We all were able to get together in KC for a fun little weekend to celebrate their birthdays. Sarah and my mom came from Virginia. Aunt Cathy came from Minnesota. My brother, Adam, and his wife, Rachel and the girls came from Iowa.
On Friday night Sarah, Cathy, my mom and I all went to see Valentine's Day at the Cinema Suites...the best $25 ticket around. Not necessarily the movie, it was cute, but the Cinema Suites is awesome! You sit in a recliner and have a waiter bring you anything you want! It was the best. Between the four of us, we had enough food to feed us all day and it was good! We got drink drinks and they even brought us each a hot towel after the movie was over. A hot towel?! If you can ever get to a Cinema Suites and see a movie, do it. Awesome! Oh, and we got the biggest bowl of popcorn I have ever seen. It even had about a 1/2 cup of melted butter on the side! Wished I would have had my camera along. The photo I took on my phone wasn't very good. Trust me, it was HUGE!
On Saturday we hung out with the kids in the morning and when they laid down for their naps, we took off and headed to downtown KC. Darin stayed at home with the kids so we could have some adult girl time only! Cathy and Sarah went to get manicures for the birthday and my mom and I went back to decorate the hotel room.
Adam and Rachel got to the hotel with Becca and Libby...and the cake. Look at that thing! It was a double layer chocolate cake with chocolate frosting with Twix candy bars all around the edges and topped with peanut butter M&M's! It was soooo good and looked awesome too!
Rachel makes cakes and is really talented. Check out her Cake 4 Dinner group on facebook to see all her cakes. Wish she could make my Little Einsteins cake for C & R's bday!
Sarah & Cathy
After the manicures and cake reveal, we headed out for dinner at a brewery, then back to the room for cake, then out for some drinks and fun.
Here we are with our $60 round of drinks. No, we didn't stay at that place for very long!
Mom, Rachel, Me, Sarah & Cathy
We headed over to PBR where Adam rode the bull! He stayed on for quite a while too. I was impressed! Tried to get a picture of that it was too dark in there to get a good picture.
Mom and Adam
Adam and Sarah
On Sunday we woke up and headed to meet Darin and the kids at Little Monkey Bizness. I missed those little guys! They were excited to see all of us too. Darin said they did really well which I was a little worried about. I am with them 24-7 so me leaving them for almost 24 hours was kind of a big deal. Glad everything went smoothly, for my sake and for theirs!
We had a very busy week last week. I watched my friend, Tricia's 2 month old, Owyn for the week. She was without daycare for that week so I offered. My kids all loved having him around. Tripp kept pointing at him and saying "baby, baby." Tripp seemed so big to me with Owyn around. Owyn was a super easy baby. He only cried when he was hungry. Four kids under 4 years old wasn't as bad as I thought...but I didn't have him at night! =)
Mom, Rachel, Me, Sarah & Cathy
Mom and Adam
We had a very busy week last week. I watched my friend, Tricia's 2 month old, Owyn for the week. She was without daycare for that week so I offered. My kids all loved having him around. Tripp kept pointing at him and saying "baby, baby." Tripp seemed so big to me with Owyn around. Owyn was a super easy baby. He only cried when he was hungry. Four kids under 4 years old wasn't as bad as I thought...but I didn't have him at night! =)
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