This is Cash & Riley when Buzz made his first appearance. He flew in from the sky! I have video below as well. It isn't the best because it was so dark in there and hard to see, but you can hear them and how excited they were.
Riley and Cash and their $5 hot dogs! I mean really...everything at those special events is so jacked up in price it amazes me. You may opt for the cheap seats, but they will get you on everything else when you get there. We made it without having to buy any of the million dollar toys they have there, but we all had to have something to eat and drink. If Grandma Sue would have been the one to take the kids, she would have walked out with about $300 less than she came in with. She can't say no.
So we had a great time, the kids loved it and Sarah enjoyed her time at home with Drew.
All is well!!!